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Prelude Chains Bk.5

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Sixty piano preludes arranged in a continuous medley with transitions between each piece-allowing the pianist to begin anywhere and end anywhere. -- -Contents included in this volume:--- Arise O God and Shine - John Darwall-- As Zion's Youth in Latter Days - Irish Folk Song -- Beautiful Savior - Silesian Folk Song-- Before Thee Lord I Bow My Head - Joseph H. Dean -- Behold a Royal Army - Adam Geibel-- Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy - Philip Paul Bliss-- Carry On - Alfred M. Durham-- Come Let Us Anew - James Lucas-- Come Sing to the Lord - Gerrit de Jong, Jr.-- Come Ye Disconsolate - Samuel Webbe-- Come Ye Thankful People - George J. Elvey-- Count Your Blessings - Edwin O. Excell-- Each Life That Touches Ours for Good - A. Laurence Lyon-- Faith of Our Fathers - Henry F. Hemy-- Father Cheer Our Souls Tonight - Orlando Gibbons-- Father in Heaven - Friedrich F. Flemming-- Father Thy Children to Thee Now Raise - Stephens -- For the Beauty of the Earth - Conrad Kocher-- From Homes of Saints Glad Songs Arise - Richards -- God Speed the Right - Ernst Moritz Arndt-- Great King of Heaven - Leroy J. Robertson-- Guide Us O Thou Great Jehovah - John Hughes-- Hail to the Brightness of Zion's Glad Morning! - Edwin F. Parry-- Hark All Ye Nations - George F. Root-- Help Me Teach with Inspiration - Lorin F.Wheelwright-- I Have Work Enough to Do - William J. Kirkpatrick-- I Know My Father Lives - Neid Nibley-- In Humility Our Savior - Rowland H. Prichard-- In Hymns of Praise - Alfred Beirly-- In Remembrance of Thy Suffering - Evan Stephens -- Jehovah Lord of Heaven and Earth - Oliver Holden -- Jesus Once of Humble Birth - Giacomo Heyerbeer-- Jesus the Very Thought of Thee - John B. Dykes-- Lean on My Ample Arm - Evans Stephens-- Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise - Wuertemburg Germany 1784-- Lord Accept Our True Devotion - Joseph J. Daynes -- Lord Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing - Jean-Jacques Rousseau-- My Redeemer Lives - G. Homer Durham-- Nearer Dear Savior to Thee - William Clayson-- Now Thank We All Our God - Johann Crueger-- O God the Eternal Father - Felix Mendelssohn-- O Thou Kind and Gracious Father - George Careless-- Oh What Songs of the Heart - William Clayson-- Prayer of Thanksgiving - Netherlands 1625-- Precious Savior Dear Redeemer - H. R. Palmer-- Rock of Ages - Thomas Hastings-- Saints Behold How Great Jehovah - A. Laurence Lyon-- Savior Redeemer of My Soul - Harry A. Dean-- Sing We Now at Parting - Ebenezer Beasley-- The Lord Is My Light - John R. Sweney-- The Time Is Far Spent - German Folk Song-- The Wintry Day Descending to Its Close - Edward P. Kimball-- They the Builders of the Nation - Alfred Durham -- Thy Spirit Lord Has Stirred Our Souls - Alexander Schreiner -- Up Awake Ye Defenders of Zion - Thomas E. Williams-- We Are All Enlisted - William B. Bradbury -- We Are Sowing - Henry A. Tuckett-- We Give Thee But Thine Own - Anonymous -- Who's On the Lord's Side? - A. C. Smyth-- Zion Stands with Hills Surrounded - A. C. Smyth


  • 135 N. Main
    Spanish Fork, Utah
  • (801) 798-7650
  • M-F 10am - 7pm
    Sat 10am - 6pm


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