Organ Chains Vol.3
* Twenty-six favorite hymns are arranged in a continuous medley for organ prelude-allowing the organist to begin anywhere and end anywhere. Pedal written within the staff. --Hymns contained in this volume: --An Angel from on High--Come Come Ye Saints--Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice--Come O Thou King of Kings--Come Rejoice--Come Sing to the Lord--Come Ye Children of the Lord--The Day Dawn is Breaking--For the Strength of the Hills--Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken--High on the Mountain Top--I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly--Israel Israel God is Calling--Joseph Smith's First Prayer--The Morning Breaks--Now Let Us Rejoice--O God Our Help in Ages Past--O Ye Mountains High--A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief--Praise to the Man--Redeemer of Israel--The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning--Sweet is the Peace the Gospel Brings--They the Builders of the Nation--We Ever Pray for Thee--We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet