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Jason Tonioli Sacred Piano Hymns 5
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Sacred Piano Hymns 5 contains 10 new arrangements of some of the most popular and beloved traditional Christian hymns. You’ll find the arrangements in this book perfect for piano recitals, sacrament services and other church meetings. The songs in this book are written for intermediate pianists though will also satisfy accomplished players and are meant to sound much harder than they are to play.
- It is Well With My Soul
- I Stand All Amazed
- Shall We Gather at the River
- How Firm a Foundation
- He is Risen
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- Precious Savior Dear Redeemer
- Hope of Israel
- Praise to the Man (Scotland the Brave)
- Prospect of Heaven (The Earth Was Once a Garden Place)
This book is the latest in the “Sacred Hymns” Piano Book series, and is destined to become a favorite for church pianists, music teachers and students.