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Easy Organ Hymn Settings

available at

Low in-store inventory, may be subject to change.

Easy organ hymn settings, ranging from medium-easy to medium. Only three notes are played at a time-one for each hand and one for the feet. For beginning organists learning to play 2 and 3 parts independently-particularly the left-hand and pedal parts. Fingerings are also included.--Hymns included in this collection:--How Gentle God's Commands--Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing--God Moves in a Mysterious Way--Silent Night--Come, Follow Me--Redeemer of Israel--Nearer, My God, to Thee--I Stand All Amazed--I Am a Child of God--With Wondering Awe--The Lord Is My Shepherd--Away in a Manger--Called to Serve--Joy to the World--Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls--I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day--It Came upon the Midnight Clear--O Little Town of Bethlehem--Sweet is the Work--I Believe in Christ--Our Savior's Love--How Great Thou Art--Lord, I Would Follow Thee--The First Noel--Hark! The Herald Angels Sing--Angels We Have Heard on High--Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful--Once in Royal David's City


  • 135 N. Main
    Spanish Fork, Utah
  • (801) 798-7650
  • M-F 10am - 7pm
    Sat 10am - 6pm


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